Abstract: Accenture and Microsoft plan digital IDs for millions of refugees on BBC.com News

Accenture and Microsoft plan digital IDs for millions of refugees on BBC.com News


The broader idea is a digital ID network using blockchain technology to connect public and commercial records so people have access to their information from anywhere. The system would use biometrics to physically identify a person and connect that to their name and records. This article then talks about a plan for a network that aid agencies could use to create a record for each refugee and then attach information as they work with the refugee. The information could then be shared among agencies so duplicate work is avoided.  Blockchain is defined here as “a digital ledger of transactions, agreements, contracts, anything that needs to be independently recorded and verified as having happened.  This technology has potential to become a central decentralized place to store each person’s identity/information so it is not fragmented across owned systems but accessible in one place (one login).”