Blockchain Experts

5 posts

Is quantum supremacy a flying car?

A standard field trip in elementary school was the aerospace museum.  They had two flying cars that had been built in the 1930s.  Looped videos of grainy black and white footage ran showing them driving down the street, then flying over San Diego.  As we sat in traffic on the way back to school, students and teachers alike wondered aloud about what happened. Who wouldn’t want […]

The Official Translation from Chile

Earlier, I posted my translated excerpt of the paper linked below.  The link leads to the IFLA site, which now has the original paper, along with the official English translation in its entirety.     VERA LOBOS, Felipe and LAGOS LAGOS, Hernán (2019) Decentralizing Latin American library infrastructure: Testing and pilot implementation of a decentralized library lending system based on credentials of sovereign and interchangeable users built with Blockchain technology. […]

The theory behind the practice

On July 16, 2018, Felipe Vera posted a short but important paper, in which he showed how Blockchain would make the leap from the financial world to the rest of the world.  My translation of two key paragraphs follows: Value transfer is already a reality and has its intrinsic foundations in the first and most well-known cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.  This technology was conceived in the year […]

Blockchain & Libraries from Carnegie Mellon – Qatar by Jason Griffey

  March 22, 2018 Blockchainblockchain, CMU-Qatar, decentralization, qatargriffey This past month I traveled to a place I wasn’t sure I’d ever visit…Doha, Qatar. I was brought to Doha for an awesome reason, to deliver the Gloriana St. Clair Distinguished Lecture in 21st Century Librarianship. The topic that I was asked to prepare remarks on was Blockchain (which I chose to broadly construe as decentralized technologies) and how it (they) might […]

Blockchain: Could libraries and open science benefit from this technology? (Jason Griffey) Jason is the founder and principal at Evenly Distributed, a technology consulting and creation firm for libraries, museums, education, and other non-profits, and he is an Affiliate Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University,.  More information about Jason can be found here.