Earlier, I posted my translated excerpt of the paper linked below. The link leads to the IFLA site, which now has the original paper, along with the official English translation in its entirety. VERA LOBOS, Felipe and LAGOS LAGOS, Hernán (2019) Decentralizing Latin American library infrastructure: Testing and pilot implementation of a decentralized library lending system based on credentials of sovereign and interchangeable users built with Blockchain technology. […]
Hernán Lagos Lagos
So far, all libraries that we know of using Blockchain are in Chile, and their systems were put in place by Prodigio Consultores. Here is what’s listed on their website as of 9/11/19 Proyectos en ejecución- Projects in process Biblioteca Digital SUBDERE– Subsecretariat of Regional Development Digital Archive Repositorio Digital SERNAGEOMIN (Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería)- National Geology and Mining Service Digital Archive Sistema de Biblioteca, Univ Católica de Temuco,- Catholic Univ of Temuco Library […]
Right now there are several Chilean libraries checking out materials to users with universal sovereign identities based in Blockchain technology. The authors below at Prodigio Consultores have working systems up and running. Their paper on the subject was just given at IFLA WLIC (International Federation of Library Associations World Library and Information Congress) this year and was submitted on May 27. Future posts will look at […]