Right now there are several Chilean libraries checking out materials to users with universal sovereign identities based in Blockchain technology. The authors below at Prodigio Consultores have working systems up and running. Their paper on the subject was just given at IFLA WLIC (International Federation of Library Associations World Library and Information Congress) this year and was submitted on May 27.
Future posts will look at completed projects and projects in the testing stages. Currently, their website lists 4 projects undergoing testing, 4 digital archives and 8 digital libraries.
My translation of their abstract along with a link to the original congress paper are below.
Translation of http://library.ifla.org/2454/1/138-vera-es.pdf
by Felipe Vera Lobos and Hernán Lagos Lagos
Translation by Peter Laurence ©2019
Decentralizing Latin American library infrastructure. Tests and pilot implementation of a decentralized library lending system based on interoperable and sovereign user credentials built with Blockchain technology.
In this work, we describe the results of tests and a pilot implementation of a decentralized loan system based in universal sovereign and interoperable user credentials constructed with Blockchain technology [4]. This new mechanism possesses the potential of integrating through interoperability agreements with all types of ILS (Integrated Library Systems), independent of the type of distribution, whether it be commercial software, open source technologies or custom systems. Similarly, it can be adopted in local, national or international contexts, which can be in networks of university libraries, public libraries or specialized information units. Also, due to the intrinsic character of Blockchain technology, this mechanism will create the technical and conceptual basis for the development of a sovereign universal digital identity of the library, paving the way for new loan mechanisms and decentralized information services with the potential for operating in the context of intercountry agreements, which could include Latin America.
The proof of concept and pilot implementation was realized in a test environment provided by the Information Services and Libraries Section of the University of Chile (SISIB) with coordination and support from their team of professionals.